SAKE HUNDRED is dedicated to bringing you an extraordinary experience. We’ve created sakes of uncompromising quality that not only fill your glass, but fill your heart with joy.  Our vision is grounded in esteemed tradition, made possible with exceptional skill, and inspired by the potential of what sake can be. We have an unparalleled understanding of sake fed by an insatiable curiosity and passion for the subject that keeps us striving for the highest product quality, most innovative concepts, and uniquely exquisite flavors to share with the world.

Founder's message

Read Ryuji Ikoma’s beautiful words about what inspired him on his life journey to learn everything about sake, experience its variety and share the best sakes with the world.

Read letter →

To fill the heart and move the spirit you have to be uncompromising

We build on tradition but defy convention. We raise our glasses to the heritage and culture of sake but see no limits in going beyond.

We believe in

  • Creating an experience that transcends expectations of sake by delivering original and deeply satisfying flavor profiles
  • Giving you the highest quality sake and adhering to the most exacting standards
  • Sharing our passion for sake with the world, ensuring its future and creating bonds between people through a joyful sake experience

Superior Sake

How we select our breweries

After visiting hundreds of breweries and tasting thousands of sakes, we have carefully selected partner breweries from different regions of Japan recognized by:

  • Specific expertise
  • Unparalleled craftsmanship
  • Uncompromising quality
  • Unrivaled flavor